Smart money moves

start in childhood

Give your child a head start in life with early financial education.

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The Problem

Picture of a question mark.

​At Kids' Bank, we believe that the best way for kids to learn about money is to see money in action. In the past, this meant pocket money and piggy banks. But these days, when kids become young adults, they enter the world, which has largely gone cashless. Think checking accounts and paying with plastic. Psychologically, this is a lot different from spending cash. Throw debt to the mix (AKA credit cards), and it's easy to lose track of the balance.​

The Solution

Picture of a lightbulb.

Let kids use a bank account! A Kids' Bank play account. Let them see their money accumulate interest if they save, or pay for interest if they forget to pay their bill. Let them "make a purchase" on credit and remember to pay it off on time. If it's past due, this bank will charge interest! You just add transactions.

How it works


Step 1: Open a free account

Just a few clicks to register. You set up your kid's bank account in minutes.


Step 2: That's it!

Well, that's almost it. Once you set up your account, you can start adding transactions. After a while, your kid can view their money (or debt) grow. Check out the cool charts, too!

What's inside

Screenshot of the user dashboard.

Access to all of your accounts is available from the Dashboard. You can check balance for each account, as well as see total available balance and total amount owed. From the Dashboard you can also create new accounts and transfer money between accounts.

Screenshot of bank locations.

​Find banks based on your location or a search query. Uses your browser's Geolocation API and the LocationIQ API.

Screenshot of bank account transaction history.

View transaction history for each of your accounts. Checking, savings, and credit card accounts available.

Screenshot of available transactions.

Record transfers between checking and savings accounts. Credit card accounts can make purchases. Make sure to pay off your credit card balance by the end of the month or you will be charged interest on the first of the following month.

What people say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque, excepturi magnam iure molestiae dolor laudantium maiores recusandae! Repellendus architecto quasi sequi officia maxime exercitationem nemo quae odio provident? Atque, fuga!


Repellendus in modi sunt, molestiae blanditiis commodi corporis fugit tempora esse facere ad. Explicabo voluptate fugiat placeat molestiae. Iste, enim ducimus tempore eveniet quas, hic explicabo magnam, consectetur quis commodi earum. Consectetur adipisicing elit.


Beatae, accusantium voluptatum itaque magnam ratione ut veritatis possimus repellendus pariatur eos labore accusamus repudiandae soluta tenetur quia. Quaerat corporis temporibus necessitatibus esse odit exercitationem modi unde.


Deserunt ipsam labore saepe maiores quisquam distinctio hic dignissimos, atque voluptatum dolorem debitis, harum libero, tempora tenetur necessitatibus deleniti eaque temporibus dolore. Animi explicabo aperiam architecto maxime, soluta iusto necessitatibus nam quam, vitae officia ducimus atque facere at, accusamus earum placeat.
